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Online course «Hövej lace»

«Höveji Lace» (pronounced close to ‘HER-VAY-EE) is an example of fine embroidery from Central Europe that combines white satin stitch with needle lace. It is said to have originated in the second half of the 19th century in a small village of Hövej in north-western Hungary. Despite its humble folk origins the lace has an appearance of a ‘noble’ craft worthy of the most ‘aristocratic’ settings. It is highly valued not only in Hungary but other European countries, too. Even in Italy, a country with rich embroidery traditions of its own, Höveji Needlepoint Lace has its fan among lace enthusiasts.
To begin making «Hövej Lace» you don’t need to ‘know’ embroidery. More importantly, you need to have a desire to learn it. Add to this some time and patience and the result will be quite impressive. With some practice, it will become magnificent. Once you have begun learning Höveji technique and gained some practical knowledge, you will find it difficult to stop making this embroidery. I know this from my own experience as I was literally drawn into this embroidery the moment I saw it. Same thing had happened to many fine Hungarian embroiderers before me.
Support and assistance is provided over the entire duration of the course. Other courses as well as brochures and designs are in the works. Why not consider signing up?
Inexpensive materials. Only small amounts of materials needed. Practical: can be worked at home or in travel.
Good for embellishing wide assortment of articles. Simple in care. Articles have unique appearance.
Exceptional as a gift. Competitive as a product in many countries. Indulge in your hobby and make money!
A craft that opens new horizons for creativity. Can be used as a foundation for mastering new techniques.

14 lessons, including one introductory. Step-by-step written and visual instructions on how to work each element of the design. Over 500 images, most of them close-ups of individual steps. Short videos demonstrating the correct position of hands

Full support for the period of twelve months. All your questions will be answered by the instructor. The progress of your work will be monitored over the course of each lesson.

Design drawing. Upon completion of the course, you will have embroidered a doily similar to the one shown in the image above.
You will learn how to work four different motifs of embroidery «Höveji Lace». Upon mastering these four motifs you will be able to transform them by adding new or changing existing elements to their design. This, in turn, will enable you to create, altogether, at least 10 distinctive needlepoint motifs which, in addition to doilies, can be used in many other articles. Six samples of motif transformations are shown in the last lesson of the course.
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You will learn the fundamentals of Hövej lace-making technique which should be sufficient to continue embroidering on your own without supervision from an instructor. You will also learn the basics of such techniques as ‘white satin stitch’ and ‘richelieu’. In addition, you will learn the correct method of making openings (holes) which you will find useful while working in the ‘English satin stitch’ technique.
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You will learn various embroidery tricks and workarounds which learners usually acquire only with experience. In this case, it will be the experience of your instructor from which your will learn. She, in turn, has been honing her craft over the years learning from finest teachers in Hungary, Italy and Russia. Your instructor’s experience will become yours without significant investments of either time or money.
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Your creative potential as a lace-maker will get an impulsion towards development. Not only will you be able to make beautiful articles to decorate your own home or give to your loved ones as gifts but also take orders from customers as do lace-makers of the village of Hövej.

- As you have completed registration, you will receive a letter with payment options. After your payment has been processed your access to the course materials will be open. There is no waiting, you can begin learning at once.
- As have been noted above, the course consists of 14 lessons. There are no limitations on the amount of time you spend on any of the lessons. All you need to remember is that your access to course materials is valid for the period of 12 (twelve) months since the date of your payment. Access to course materials is provided through this website. Course materials can be accessed and viewed on any device connected to the Internet. Each lesson contains detailed step-by-step instructions on the part of Höveji lace-making technique being discussed and is accompanied by close-up images and video materials.
- The learning process is accompanied (supported) by an instructor from the beginning to the end. Over the period of the course you may ask questions on the subject matter of any of the lessons either through comments to individual lessons or mail them directly to your instructor’s e-mail address. All questions will be answered by the instructor.
- Upon completion of a lesson you will asked to e-mail images of your work to date for review by the instructor. You will receive comments and/or recommendations as to how to proceed with you work and learning. After that you will be able to continue with the next lesson.
- Upon completion of this course you will receive a certificate confirming that you have completed an on-line course on embroidery «Hövej lace» (Course 1) at Mirolique Studio.
Despite being almost two hundred years old Höveji Needlepoint Lace goes perfectly with modernity allowing its maker to create exquisite article for home decoration as well as to embellish various garments. Articles made of finest cambric embellished with noble white satin stitch embroidery and magnificent needle lace will make perfect gifts to connoisseurs and laymen alike. In addition to giving you creative pleasure the Höveji Needlepoint Lace technique could also be used to make products for sale. Articles with this lace are always sold at a premium. For example, the approximate retail price (in Europe) of the doily you will have make by the end of this course is US$65. in case of larger lace-embellished items (e.g. scarfs, shawls) the price may reach hundreds of dollars.
The list of articles below gives you an idea as to where Höveji Needlepoint Lace can be used. Those who need more inspiration may want to take a look at the pictures I took at the Höveji Needlepoint Lace Museum in the village of Hövej. (Note: the accompanying article is in Russian).
- doilies
- tablecloths
- curtains
- bedlinen
- cushions
- borders
- blouses, dresses, skirts
- collars, cuffs
- aprons
- belts
- shawls, kerchiefs
- handkerchiefs
- baby baptismal gowns
- baby caps and bibs
- church textiles
I recommend thread #80 for the lace discussed in this course. The choice of fabric depends on your preference. However, if you want your doily look similar to the one shown in the course materials I recommend using fine cambric.
If either the thread or the fabric are unavailable in your country you may order them at this website. Set includes: embroidery fabric, Cordonnet thread No. 80, Mouliné Embroidery Thread No. 25, needles


Olga Anikeeva (pronounced: AH-NEE-‘KAY-YE-VA),
I made acquaintance with Höveji Needlepoint Lace in 2018 at the Budapest Crafts Festival. There, I met Agnes Kovács, Master of Folk Crafts of Hungary, who also happened to be President of Höveji Needlepoint Lace Association. Soon I became Agnes’s student and a dedicated follower of her craft and talent. Since then, not a day has gone by that I have not worked on one or another lace-making project (usually on the finest cambric), in some way. This course is a balanced combination of the knowledge I acquired from my teacher as well as my own practical experience in the Höveji Needlepoint Lace technique. The information presented in this course is sufficient for you to continue working in this technique independently of instructor’s support. More details about me are on this page
An experienced lace-maker (or embroider) will spend at least 32 work-hours. Someone with less experience will need more time.
If you have doubts it’s not worth trying. You have to WANT to learn this craft to be successful. All necessary support will be provided to you.
Each lesson contains step-by-step written instructions accompanied by numerous close-up images illustrating movements of the needle as well as short videos for better demonstration of the position of hands. Support from your instructor over the entire duration of the course will also come in handy.
Price of the course: € 85